Sunday, June 8, 2014

Holland tries this second mission impossible: making secret training

Dozens of apartments a few meters away from the place selected by the selection as base are directly overlooking the lawn Gávea                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Netherlands will on Monday a closed workout, without access to journalists or public, in the Flamengo headquarters in Gávea. But with a quick observation of the surroundings, you can see that train in secret, chosen as the basis for the World Cup 2014 venue, is virtually impossible. Across the Street Gilberto Cardoso, behind the goal right from the lawn to the bleachers who looks at the place known as "concrete jungle", are dozens of apartments directly overlooking the red-black field, and now orange.

Holland World Cup training secret training (Photo: Vicente Silk)View of nearby building permits visualization of the training of the Netherlands (Photo: Vicente Silk)

The report of the been in one of these houses on Sunday morning, while the Netherlands was his third workout at the club, and found that indeed will be hard to keep secrets in place. The equipment used to make pictures it was a semi-professional camera with 24x optical zoom, which does not allow changing lenses.
Soraya Homsy live in one of these buildings overlooking the lawn and let the images were made from his window. The Dutch press, already mapping the location, tried to rent the property only on workout days closed in early May. Just not going according to the television station because the owners only topavam monthly rent. Anyway, with dozens of other options on the side, do not be surprise if the secret training for broadcast or recorded by Brazilian and foreign journalists.
Holland World Cup training secret training (Photo: Vicente Silk)View from the lawn of a neighboring building Gávea (Photo: Vicente Silk)
The resident, despite having not closed any rent for the apartment during the World Cup, an exception would open and free to unleash your window closed training sessions for pictures of the Dutch. In the event of a confrontation between Holland and Brazil, which has staged great duels in the World 1994 and 1998, she warned that the street will invite journalists.
- If Brazil against Holland, libero for free, you can come, write, no problem. 
 'm going to street, offer for everyone to see - joked the resident.
Holland World Cup training secret training (Photo: Vicente Silk)Netherlands will have trouble doing secret training (Photo: Vicente Silk)
In training this Saturday morning, the Dutch took scares with Robben and Sneijder experiencedtwo major team names alongside Van Persie to. They needed medical care due to blows but apparently completed the activity without major problems. As occurred on Saturday, coach Louis van Gaal led technical training and repeated holders : Janmaat, Vlaar, De Vrij and Bruno Martins Indi; Blind, de Jong, Sneijder and Clasie; Robben and Van Persie.
Holland World Cup training secret training (Photo: Vicente Silk)Vision of training the Netherlands (Photo: Vicente Silk)

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