Sunday, June 8, 2014

Foreign police arrive to cooperate with the PF during the World Cup

Representatives of security forces of all countries will collaborate with the Federal Police in touch with fans and the identification of "hooligans"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

foreign police security World Cup (Photo: Fabrizio Marques)Foreign police gathered Sunday at the headquarters of the Federal Police (Photo: Fabrizio Marques)
In Brazil are already more than 200 police officers from all participating countries of the World Cup that will operate in the international cooperation of the Federal Police for the event program. On Sunday, the group met for lectures and accreditation in PF headquarters in Brasilia, and had his first contact with the command center, where they can monitor the movement in the 12 host cities and assist the police in tracking Brazilian fans violent, for example.
In addition to the 31 countries qualified for the World, also participate in the UN representatives of Interpol, the Ameripol and five other invited nations program -. Including Qatar, headquarters of the 2022 Copa Foreign units are formed by up to seven policemen, divided into two groups: one part will be in Brasilia, in the control center, and travel by other host cities that will play your selections, with a presence in stadiums in the days of matches.
Foreigners do not have police power in Brazil and not go to work armed. However, will wear the uniforms of their corporations, to be identified by their compatriots. The idea is that they make the mediation of the Brazilian police contact with foreign fans when needed.
- Fundamentias are two axes. First, it will bring more security for all. The foreigner will see your police, will know that there is his representative working in cooperation with the Brazilian police. There is also the language barrier, which can sometimes be a problem and will be facilitated by the presence of this officer. The second axis is to inhibit, to make the foreigner, to see that there is also its police, avoid any kind of unwanted behavior - the delegate explained Andrei Steps Rodrigues, secretary of major events of the Ministry of Justice (Sesge).
foreign police security World Cup (Photo: Vianey Bentes / TV Globo)Foreign police met on Sunday the command center in Brasilia (Photo: Vianey Bentes / TV Globo)

The head of the police team from Holland praised the program for international cooperation and said the measure will help ensure the security Cup. According to Will van Kollenburg, the presence of foreign police will be crucial in preventive contact with the fans, who may be under the influence of alcohol.
We may also talk to these fans, who are sometimes a bit drunk, so it does not cause problems
Will van Kollenburg, Dutch police
- It is a very important initiative. We will work to have secure games for everyone. We will use our uniforms and we will be able to give this support to the Dutch who are here. Will recognize us and we can help them. I believe they'll feel good. We may also talk to those fans who are sometimes a bit drunk, so it does not cause problems - Kollenburg said that estimates the presence of approximately five thousand Dutch in every game of the orange selection.
To Jorge Latorre, Spanish police inspector, the presence of representatives of foreign security forces will help to alert the fans that surely respond in their countries for acts committed in Brazil.
- I believe that is outside of your country an image known will give them confidence and should always go to our police before contact with the Brazilian police. It is also possible that they have more control with our presence, because they will know that may have administrative sanctions in Spain because of the actions that they commit here. They know we know their behavior. We are police officers who work weekly in control of public stadiums and we are pleased to be collaborating with the security work in the Cup too - Latorre said.
foreign police security World Cup (Holland) (Photo: Fabrizio Marques)Dutch police staff who work in Brazil during the World Cup (Photo: Fabrizio Marques)

Besides mediating contact with the Brazilian police supporters, foreign police will also help in identifying and monitoring groups with a history of violence in stadiums. Most participants in the PF cooperation program is part of the security teams who work and sporting events in their countries.
- In the command center, they will have access to several cameras scattered in the host cities, including at airports and stadiums. May cooperate with intelligence operations and will direct monitoring with police in their country fans who have been registered as violent - explained the logistics manager of the center for international cooperation PF, Junior Urquiza.
foreign police security World Cup (Photo: Vianey Bentes / TV Globo)Command center, will help in foreign intelligence operations (Photo: Vianey Bentes)
In Argentina, for example, has been transferred to Brazilian police a list of 2,200 spectators with a history of violence - in general, members of supporters known as "bar-brave." Besides the Argentine police team that will participate in the PF program, there will also be a group working specifically with police in Rio Grande do Sul, the main gateway for hermanos in Brazil and hosts one of the games of the Albiceleste in the first phase.
Police in Chile is another who will also be attentive to groups of "slash-angry".
- We believe that approximately 40 thousand fans will come to the World Cup. Those who participate in "bars" are identified. When our police locate them groups in Brazil, will alert the local police - said the Chilean police commissioner, Rodrigo Donoso Escudero.
Adversary of Brazil in World Cup opening, Croatia is another country with problems of "hooliganism" with fans squad. At Euro 2012 in Poland and Ukraine, the football federation was punished by Uefa because of the bad behavior of some groups , who set objects and fireworks on the lawn.However, the Croatian police but believes it will be easier to control the situation in Brazil, since the number of fans should be smaller.
- We have been in European Championship and had great cooperation with the Polish police. Locate hooligans who caused problems and inform the authorities, who arrested some of them. But do not believe that many come to Brazil because of the distance. Our task will be to try to locate these fans that can cause a problem and inform the Brazilian police so they can have a greater attention to them - said an inspector of the special unit of prevention "hooliganism" of the Croatian police who asked not to be named reported not to impair intelligence work in Brazil.
foreign police security World Cup (Photo: Fabrizio Marques)Police from 36 countries will be in Brazil during the World Cup (Photo: Fabrizio Marques)

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