Saturday, June 7, 2014

Beastie Boys earn almost 4 million dollars in copyright case


Beverage company used in advertising five songs of the group                                                                                                  and the name of the band already dead 

Beastie Boys on display in California in June 2004 (Photo: Getty Images).
The Monster Beverage, which owns about one third of the U.S. energy market, lost a case for the Beastie Boys and shall pay the rap group $ 1.7 million (approximately 3.9 million dollars).
The company had been using five songs from the band - 'Sabotage', 'Pass the Mic', 'Make Some Noise', 'So What'cha Want' and 'Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun' - a movie in four minutes summarized snowboard competition promoted by the company's flagship brand, Monster Energy.
Moreover, at the end of the video, appeared the words "RIP MCA", in reference to Adam "MCA" Yauch, member of the set dead in 2012 at age 47. This resulted in an official statement explaining that the Beastie Boys, after the passing of MCA, the band on the road since 1981, would not record new songs anymore.
Justice of New York did not give the appeals of the company, who wanted to pay compensation 13 times smaller, and ordered the Monster to indemnify the living members of the group, Adam "Ad Rock" Horovitz, 47, and Michael "Mike D" Diamond, 48.

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